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  2. POS Integration

Square POS Integration

Instructions for Connecting ShiftNote with Square POS

IMPORTANT: Only the Square Account Owner can install ShiftNote's data link via API OAuth in your Square account. (Refer to the image below for Square access roles or visit the Square help article [here]).

Steps to Connect:

  1. Log in to Square:
    • The company's Square account owner should log in to their Square account. There is no specific action required once logged in, but it is essential to be logged in as the Account Owner before installing the ShiftNote Data Link for Square.
  2. Log in to ShiftNote:
    • Navigate to the "Search" feature and type in "square", then click the search button.
  3. Connect ShiftNote:
  • In the search results, click the following link: https://ww1.shiftnote.com/squareauth/requesttoken.


square shiftntoe search


Square Access Roles Infographic 

Must be Square Account Owner to install ShiftNote API OAuth


square pos account owner permission image-1