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  2. POS Integration

Toast POS Integration

Adding ShiftNote as a Third-Party Access in Toast

1. To complete this installation you must be your Restaurant Toast Administrator.

    • Login to into your Toast Web Account:
    • Navigate to Reports > Settings > SSH Keys in Toast’s backend.

2. Add ShiftNote's SSH Key to your Toast account

    • Once you’re on the SSH Keys page, click Add New Key
ssh-rsa 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
  • Copy / Paste our ShiftNote SSH key from above into the designated field.
    • Name the key appropriately (e.g., "ShiftNote Integration Key"). Click Save to apply the changes.
3. Provide SFTP Credentials to ShiftNote Support Team:
  • After adding the key, you will receive SFTP connection details, including the SFTP Username and Server URL - Share these credentials securely with ShiftNote.

Important Notes

Permissions: Ensure that the user adding the SSH key has the 8.3 Data Export Config permission in Toast.

Location IDs: If you have multiple locations, provide the relevant location IDs to ShiftNote to ensure accurate data mapping.

Security: If there are any issues or if a key is compromised, delete the key from Toast and add a new one.

For more information on how Toast integration works, checkout this article from Toast.