Daily Log Update 

ShiftForce Support Center

Daily Log Update 

August 16th 2022 Release Notes

  1. The Daily Log categories will now auto sort themselves displaying categories with new log notes on the top.
  2. New number count display for all new log notes that you have not read, as well as, total log notes in that daily log category for that day.
  3. To signify you have read a log note left click it with you mouse. This updates the log note read report as read by you.
  4. Categories will be collapsed by default. 
  5. Stats are on the left of the daily log page and communication categories are on the right side of the page. 
  6. The 3 month calendar has been replaced by a click to open calendar
  7. Print Daily Log is now found in the more actions drop down > choose "daily log report" to generate PDF 

daily log update aug 22 infographic

ShiftForce Support