Creating and Editing Tasks in ShiftForce

Support Center

Create and Edit Tasks

Tasks are customizable and can be for specific roles, positions, or individuals. There are tons of customizable options for you to create in order to ensure everything gets done properly from shift to shift. The best part about creating tasks is that you can create them from anywhere!


Element 1: Creating a Task

Create a task in the top right-hand portion of the screen (Create Task)

Tasks & Events > Right Click on a Day > Create Task


Element 2: Adding Information

  • Choose the Location or Locations
  • Add a name for the task
  • Select a due date and if it can be completed at any time or by a specific time
  • Add details
  • Select a category
  • Select your input type
    • Checkbox - creates a task where the checkbox must be marked to complete
    • Checklist - a list of tasks that need to be completed
    • Image - has the individual upload an image before the task can be marked complete
    • Numeric - adds a number area when completing the task
    • Textbox - adds a text box to your task to be filled in during the completion of the task
    • Yes / No - adds the "Yes" or "No" radio buttons to be completed with the task
  • Does the task reoccur, if so, how frequent
  • Assign to roles, positions, or select individuals
  • Can the task be completed by anyone or does everyone need to complete the task before their shift is completed?
  • Hit Save, create your task!


How to Create and Edit Tasks


How to Create a Checklist




If at any point you have questions or need assistance, we're here to help!

ShiftForce Support