ShiftForce Email Notifications, Stats, and Reports

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Email Notifications, Stats, and Reports

For Company Admins, Location Admins, and Managers, there are a few different types of email notifications you can set up for yourself. You can receive notifications of other employees' actions, you can receive requests, all sorts of great information to help things run smoothly!

Not only can you get email notifications of employee actions, you can also set up daily reports to be sent to yourself and other employees. We walk through these steps below:


How to Create Custom Stats
Settings > Stats > Add New




Personal Email Notification Settings
For High-Level Employees - Settings > Staff > Edit > Notification Settings
For Employees - Click Name in top right-hand corner > Profile > More Actions > Notification Settings


Daily Report Emails
Reports > Select Report > Save


If at any point you have questions or need assistance, we're here to help!

ShiftForce Support